Wednesday 1 October 2014

Top 10 Fashion Tips

For my first post in October I will be sharing with you my top 10 tips to get the best out of fashion. Let's get started!

1) Be sure to have good quality clothing basics with in your wardrobe. E.g - plain strap tops, denim shorts etc.  Once you have the basics, you'll easily be able to create any outfit.

2) Always comfortable shoes, aching feet definitely puts a damper on your mood.

3) Don't be afraid to experiment with different colours. Even if you're wearing an all black outfit adding (for example red shoes) always brightens your whole outfit.

4) Don't throw old things away once you become bored with them. Vintage is becoming a a massive yes in the fashion world and customization is always fun. Trends come and go, you may be glad you kept it!

5) Try to keep your eyes open for style inspiration, honestly it can come from the strangest of places!

6) Don't just follow the fashion trends on the high street, wear something because it feels right to you. Your style is your choice.

7) Always keep your wardrobe and drawers organised and tidy. It makes finding clothes much easier and you don't want your favorite top getting creased!

8) Use fun accessories to brighten up any outfit, doing this your can change any outfit to fit your style.

9) Choose styles that flatter your shape. If it looks good on you then go for it!

10) My last tip is probably the most important... Don't take style too seriously, remember that fashion is fun, so go out shopping with the girls and try on whatever catches your eye, having a laugh whilst doing so.

I really hope that these top 10 fashion tips helped you.


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